GedStar Pro

You can extract and convert the data that is stored in a genealogy program.


GedStar Pro is a program that can be used to extract and convert the data that is stored in a genealogy program on your PC.

You can import data from The Master Genealogist and Legacy Family Tree or GEDCOM files to support all other genealogy programs.

This program received 1 award
W. Douglas Gordon
License type:
Karen Pastuzyn 8 years ago

Excellent viewer of my family research. Simple 2-step process to convert my GED file to a file which can be read by the Gedstar app on my Android devices. I now have all of my over 7,500 researched individuals on my phone and tablet.

Marie McDonald 11 years ago

I have downloaded GedStar Pro but it won't convert from Database. Message is: Unsupported character set (ANSEL) Must be either UTF-8, or ASCII File TCGedProcess.cpp, line 1939 Could you please advise me what to do. I have not paid for this program yet, as I have 22 days left to trial it first.